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The Big Quince Book Nook has grown from just one book case in our previous tiny shop to an exciting space full of events, options and a passion for reading.


So many people have told us that it's a welcoming space with an eclectic and satisfying collection of reads that we've chosen to believe them.


This part of our site is still being developed; we will move our online store (especially for Kangaroo Island Books) here, and our blog will keep you up to date on what's hot in the book world. Keep watching this space!


And don't forget to visit our events page to find out about author visits, writers in residence, book talks and performances.

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Contact Us

Visit us, 9:30-5 weekdays:

15 Kingscote Tce, Kingscote

Phone us, 9:30-5 weekdays:

08 8553 0453  |  0410 476 427

Email us, any time:

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